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DWB_Frazzled_Employee (1).gif
DWB_Dennis_3 (1).gif
DWB Protagonist Overworld 1.gif
DWB Protagonist 1.gif
DWB Protagonist 1 (1).gif
DWB Protagonist 1 (2).gif
DWB Protagonist 1 (3).gif

Dark World Burger is a turn based RPG set in a world run by a fast food corporation. You play as a new employee created to fill a position that recently became "avalible". Uncover the secrets of the Dark World and overthrow the Board Members.


Dark World Burger is an ongoing project of Three Minute Flip, a sub-division of the Fitchburg State University game studio, Punchbrook Games. It is the first game I have worked on on a real timescale. I have the pleasure of being the games lead Animator, mainly in charge of character animation. Kristie Morrison designed the base sprites for each character and I was in charge of making them move.


The latest build of Dark World Burger can be found at

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